Thursday, September 3, 2020

Law for IP Framework and Legal Requirements -myassignmenthelp

Question: Talk about theLaw for IP Framework and Legal Requirements. Answer: Presentation: Licensed innovation is characterized as formation of man and for this creation government perceived selective rights. Three components are expressed in Singapore through which scholarly properties are enlisted and that are a patent, a copyright or a trademark. This exposition expresses the system identified with licensed innovation directly in Singapore, and examine sorts of intrigue ensured by the IP structure, lawful prerequisites identified with IP rights, and conduct or activity of individual which are considered as encroachment of that right. Every one of these issues are talked about in setting of contextual investigation, and ultimately finished up with brief end. Conversation: In the current case, John is functioning as free film maker, and he chose to make a film based on this TV arrangement and named it as Battlestar Galactica: Attack of the Cylons. This film incorporates characters, settings, music, spaceships, and so on which is like the first TV arrangement, however the tale of this film is composed by the companion of unique author of that TV arrangement. This film additionally incorporates comparative embellishments, and the procedures identified with these impacts have been licensed by an organization Light Magic Inc. Following are a few issues which must be considered by John: Fitting types of IP: Copyright: By and large, copyright is the structure which secures the articulation, expertise, judgment of the individual. It must be noticed that copyright is considered as negative right which forestalls replicating. Case law Chua Puay Kiang v Singapore Telecommunications Limited [1999] 1 SLR(R) states that on the off chance that two people freely make indistinguishable work, at that point there is no encroachment of copyright. Security under copyrights is given to work of abstract nature, for example, original copy of any book, business related to music, imaginative work which incorporates painting, cinematograph movies, for example, film, and so on. In this manner, characters, settings, music, spaceships, and so on of the Battlestar Galactica falls under the security of copyright. Following are some lawful prerequisites identified with copyright: Segment 83 and 87 of the Act expresses that, it is important to show that work or topic is associated with Singapore or Berne Union/WTO nation. It is important that work or topic must be diminished to a material structure. This can be comprehended through Section 16 and 7. Area 27 of the Act expresses that work must be of unique nature. Meaning of the term unique isn't expressed in the copyright Act, however there are some significant ideas expressed in the event that law Asia Pacific Publishing Pte Ltd v Pioneers Leaders (Publishers) Pte Ltd [2011] SGCA 37 identified with formation of the work: Inventiveness of work or topic isn't considered with regards to curiosity, yet it is considered through innovation of thought and musings. At the point when adequate work, ability, and capital was extended by Author to make some item which is not quite the same as its crude material (Copyright Act, n.d.). It must be noticed that in the event that above expressed necessities are arranged, at that point copyright consequently emerges, and there is no prerequisite of enrollment. Responsibility for: The general standard identified with the copyright is that individual who makes the first work is considered as proprietor of the copyright. Thusly, for this situation proprietor of the work is the first maker of the Battlestar Galactica TV arrangement. Patent: In Singapore, imaginative structures and handled are secured through Patent Act, and the standards controlled by government to decide patent is that procedure must be new, inventive and valuable for the business. In this manner, enhancements and its procedures were secured under patent Act. Following are some legitimate prerequisites of patent: Development It is important that there must be an innovation, New Invention-such development must be new, which implies creation must not be identified with any current information in explicit specialized field. Creative advance it is essential that innovation incorporates some imaginative advance. On the off chance that Ng Kok Cheng v Chua Say Tiong [2001] 2 SLR(R) 326, Court expressed that creation must not be of evident nature for bland individual. Modern application-creation of the individual must be fit for mechanical application, which implies innovation must be made or utilized in any sort of industry. On the off chance that it is discovered that item or procedure encroach the current patent, and afterward court has capacity to give directive and harms. Along these lines, on the off chance that John utilize enhancements and procedure for film then it very well may be considered as encroachment (Lee, 2014). Measures taken by John: In the current case, john needs to repeat the work and for this reason John can think about after measures: Copyright: Copyright Act grant a few demonstrations which don't considered as encroachment of copyright act and it additionally give consent identified with multiplication of copyrighted work. It must be noticed that on the off chance that any individual imitate the work without the authorization of the proprietor, at that point it very well may be considered as essential encroachment. This can be comprehended through case law Asia Pacific Publishing Pte Ltd v Pioneer Leaders (Publishers). Proprietor of the copyright has capacity to record guarantee for essential encroachment, and ramifications for essential encroachment are: Fine-up to $20,000. Detainment as long as a half year. Copyright is considered as property right and it tends to be moved through authorized, alloted, and some other way. In this way, John can way to deal with the first maker of TV arrangement for moving the permit of copyright to john to imitate the work (Copyright Act, n.d.). Licenses: Segment 66 of the patent Act expresses that, on the off chance that patent is effectively enrolled, at that point proprietor of the patent has option to document guarantee of encroachment against the third individual who encroach the patent. Outcomes of encroachment are (Patent Act, n.d.): Order Harms This can be comprehended through case law Genelabs Diagnostics Pte Ltd v Institut Pasteur anor. Patent is considered as close to home property and proprietor can move, authorized, and alloted the patent. Along these lines, john can move toward the organization for move the enhancements and its procedure. Proper legitimate structures: There are two lawful structures through which John can offer rights to the financial specialists: Permit: Permit is considered as authorization or assent which is conceded by a proprietor of IP to do the rights which is solely appreciated by the proprietor. For the most part, to move the permit, both licensor and licensee can go into understanding, and this understanding set out the terms based on which permit is moved. It isn't important to give the permit for all the rights identified with the significant IP right. This can be comprehended through model; it is conceivable to constrain the privileges of transferee in number of ways by embracing the mix of any element expressed cry: Degree this component thought about the selective privileges of the IP proprietor. Region this element considered the nations wherein IP right will be conceded. Length this component considered the timeframe for which IP right will conceded It must be noticed that there are two kinds of permit that are select or non-restrictive. Selective licenses are those licenses which avoid the proprietors rights likewise to appreciate the privilege identified with those exercises which have been authorized (SAL, 2017). Move of possession: Under this kind of structure responsibility for IP right is moved to the new proprietor in return of specific sum. In the current case, John can offer rights to the speculators in film by permitting on the grounds that in this structure it is conceivable to move constrained rights. End: This article expresses the different arrangements identified with Intellectual property rights. In this terms in setting of copyright and patent are expressed, and different highlights of these terms, for example, legitimate prerequisites, encroachment, results, lawful structures, and so on. References: Asia Pacific Publishing Pte Ltd v Pioneer Leaders (Publishers) [2011] 4 SLR 381. Chua Puay Kiang v Singapore Telecommunications Limited [1999] 1 SLR(R). Copyright Act, Cap 63-Section 16. Copyright Act, Cap 63-Section 27. Copyright Act, Cap 63-Section 7. Copyright Act, Cap 63-Section 83. Copyright Act, Cap 63-Section 87. Genelabs Diagnostics Pte Ltd v Institut Pasteur anor. [2000] 3 SLR(R) 530. Lee, J. (2014). The Development of Singapores Intellectual Property Rights Regime. Accessible at: Gotten to on 21st August 2017. Ng Kok Cheng v Chua Say Tiong [2001] 2 SLR(R) 326. Licenses Act, Cap 221-Section 66. SAL, (2017). Licensed innovation Law. Accessible at: law/part 12. Gotten to on 21st August 2017.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Comparison of Eastern and Western Philosophers Essay Example For Students

Examination of Eastern and Western Philosophers Essay Eastern PhilosophyWestern Philosophy Main SchoolsBuddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Integral Yoga, Islam, Taoism,Zen Christianity**, Rational, Scientific, Logical schools Main Principles1. Cosmological solidarity 2. Life is an excursion towards unceasing real factors that are past the real factors that encompass us 3. Round perspective on the universe, in light of the view of unceasing repeat 4. Internal world dependant 5. Self-freedom from the bogus Me and finding the genuine Me 6. Conduct ethics1. Feeling oneself as a component of the Divine 2. Life is administration (to the God, cash, business, and so forth ) 3. Direct perspective on the universe and life, in light of the Christian way of thinking where everything has its start and the end. 4. External world dependant 5. Self-devotion to the objective (achievement, satisfaction, and so on ) The Me conceptEternal truth of the generally accepted fact: self-freedom through disposing of the bogus Me and finding the genuine MeMe is at this very moment. The genuine â€Å"Me† in each person is a piece of the Divine that need to get obvious. Genuine â€Å"Me† is given and doesn’t must be cognizable. Relationship with ReligionIntegrationOpposition Search for Absolute Truth†¢Systemic approach †all occasions known to mankind are interconnected †¢Searching inside yourself †through reflection and right living Though he should live a hundred years, not seeing the Truth Sublime; yet better, in fact, is the single days life of one who sees the Truth Sublime. †Buddha †¢More concentrated on singular occasions and the job of the individual †¢Searching outside yourself through research and examination reality that endures is basically the untruth that is pleasantest to accept. †H. L. Mencken Search for Truth Fundamental ResearchThe truth is given is doesn't to have be demonstrated. The insightful base for and culture of principal inquire about is more fragile. Reality should be demonstrated. The rational base for and culture of essential research is more grounded. FutureFuture is foreordained by ones own deeds today. Study the past in the event that y ou might want to divine what's to come. †Confucius Future is obscure, ones predetermination has been foreordained by God and depends next to no on ones own deeds. You can never design the future by the past. †Edmund Burke Beliefs and ValuesThe genuine key is inside. What is significant †is the inward universe of the individual and his common capacity to control and create it. The route ahead †is through self-improvement (inside intercession). The prevalent man comprehends what is correct; the mediocre man comprehends what will sell. †Confucius By pursuing wants you will meet just the external surface. †Lao Tzu The principle esteems are achievement and satisfaction, that can be accomplished in various ways, however seldom through creating ones internal quality. Most of the standards for progress and bliss have external nature (cash, confidence, prevalence, and so forth ). The route ahead †is through dynamic outside mediation. Joy lies in prudent action, and impeccable satisfaction lies in the best action, which is insightful. †Aristotle Individualism/CollectivismA person is an indispensable piece of the universe and the general public. Individuals are in a general sense associated and obligation towards all others is an intense issue. Cooperation is more grounded. A person has an individualistic nature, is an autonomous piece of the universe and the general public. Independence is more grounded. Improvement/EvolutionCyclic advancement, in this manner improvement has no restrictions and is an extreme objective. Straight turn of events, along these lines improvement has an objective. The advancement stops when the objective is reached. Radical Innovation/RevolutionThe basics of business as usual ought not be addressed. The way of life of considering and presenting radical changes is more fragile. The basics of business as usual can †and regularly ought to †be addressed. The way of life of considering and presenting radical changes is more grounded. .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70 , .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70 .postImageUrl , .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70 , .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70:hover , .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70:visited , .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70:active { border:0!important; } .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70:active , .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: rel ative; } .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uee484edfc009630d 7527d1dd0d34fc70 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uee484edfc009630d7527d1dd0d34fc70:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Anger EssayPassion VenturingEntrepreneurial ?reativity and wandering is contained by the propensity to control ones interests. Wants are the reason for anguish. On the off chance that craving, which lies at the course of all human energy, can be expelled, at that point enthusiasm will cease to exist and all human enduring will be finished. †Buddhism Vain in fact is all overweening pride in the victory even of the whole universe on the off chance that one has not vanquished ones own interests. †Sri Aurobindo Entrepreneurial wandering is energized inwardly. Nothing is ever accomplished by sensible men. †J Fred Bucy of Texas Instruments Nothing extraordinary was ever accomplished without excitement Always do what you are hesitant to Do not go where the way may lead, go rather where there is no way and leave a path. †Ralph Waldo Emerson If you need to succeed, you need to manufacture new ways and maintain a strategic distance from acquired ones. †John Rockfeller Achievement WinningWinning is inside yourself. Despite the fact that he ought to overcome a thousand men in the war zone a thousand times, yet he, undoubtedly, who might vanquish himself is the noblest victor. †Buddha He who vanquishes others is solid; he who overcomes himself is powerful. †Lao Tzu The Three Armies can be denied of their boss, yet even a typical man can't be denied of his motivation. †Confucius Winning is outside yourself. Youre not a star until they can spell your name in Karachi. †Roger Moore Life manages no higher delight than that of conquering challenges, going starting with one stop of p rogress then onto the next, shaping new wishes and seeing them satisfied. †Samuel Johnson It isn't on the grounds that things are troublesome that we don't set out; it is on the grounds that we don't set out that they are troublesome. ImplementationSpiritual and minister approach. To make and create with no sentiments of proprietorship, to work and guide with no desire and control, is the best quality. †Lao Tzu To accomplish self-freedom and nirvana you have to play out your obligations without anticipating any compensation for it. †Vedanta, Hinduism Action can be accomplished by inaction, where the outcome is accomplished by Not-Me †Zen Pragmatic and passionate methodology. The incomparable achievement is to obscure the line among work and play. †Arnold Toynbee Since a large portion of us spend our lives doing standard assignments, the most significant thing is to do them exceptional well. †Henry David Thoreau Every moment you spend in arranging spares 10 minutes in execution. †Brian Tracy Goals Key to SuccessSpiritual Virtuous life and adherence to playing out your obligations. †Confucianism If you truly need everything, at that point quit any pretense of everything. †Lao Tzu He is capable who thinks he is capable. †Buddha Materialistic The mystery of accomplishment throughout everyday life, and in this way of bringing in cash, is to make the most of your work. On the off chance that you don't do anything, is difficult work †regardless of how long you put in. †Sir Billy Butlin Success is that old ABC †capacity, breaks and mental fortitude. †Charles Luckman Flaming excitement, upheld by horse sense and ingenuity, is the quality that most much of the time makes for progress. †Dale Carnegie Living PrinciplesVirtue Be happy with whatever you have, and appreciate the equivalent. At the point when you come to realize that you have everything, and you are not shy of anything, at that point t he entire world will be yours. †Lao Tzu The idea shows as the word; The word shows as the deed; The deed forms into propensity; And propensity solidifies into character. So watch the idea and its ways with care

Friday, August 21, 2020

Abolish Abortion essays

Abrogate Abortion expositions Premature birth is a technique for a pregnant lady to dispose of the developing embryo that lives within her. There are numerous contentions for and against premature birth. A few people say that the mother ought to have a decision to prematurely end her infant, and others state that it isn't right to slaughter a youngster. Premature birth isn't right. At the point when an infant is prematurely ended, that youngster gets no opportunity at life. Fetus removal murders a no nonsense human that lives within the mother. Dr. Alan Moore from the University of Texas expresses that one out of each twenty pregnancies end in fetus removal. That is five lives out of one hundred that could have been spared if the mother had chosen to allow her kid to live. Fetus removal likewise hurts the mother. Each lady that has a fetus removal is twenty-five percent less inclined to get pregnant later on. On the off chance that, at that point she concludes that she wants to have a youngster, it will get more earnestly for her to get pregnant. Fetus removal is likewise making an issue in the medical clinics. The dead hatchlings are extremely hard to discard. There are no graves being worked for the embryos and the medical clinic needs to send them off to a lab to have tests run on them for genealogical purposes. This is an expensive and repetitive procedure for the specialists and the lab experts. The Pro-Choice supporters that are for fetus removal contend that it is a moms option to choose whether the youngster should live beyond words. They are expressing that if the mother doesn't need a kid, she should simply have it drained out of her body and discarded like a weeks ago trash. They guarantee that a developing embryo isn't a genuine living individual; in this manner, that baby ought not get an opportunity at life. Most moms decide to have their infants prematurely ended on the grounds that they dont have the assets to help a kid. The administration has given frameworks, for example, government assistance, which gives the mother cash to help the youngster, and they have begun appropriation offices, which find reasonable guardians for the kid. There ... <!

Friday, June 12, 2020

Healing The Developing World With Science - Free Essay Example

Healing the Developing World with Science Genetically modified organisms or GMOs are an exciting and valuable development for those who understand the increased efficiency they offer for food production. As the population steadily rises, resources are dwindling. Currently, there are 821 million people who are chronically malnourished and ninety-eight percent of them live in a developing country. To ensure food is available to everyone, local agricultural production in developing countries must increase. Relying exclusively on exported goods has led to this problem. While nearly thirteen percent of people remain undernourished even though the current output of the worldrs farms could supply over 11 billion people with 2,000 calories per day (Gerry). If provided genetically modified seeds, each family could grow their own food. GMOs could be helpful in stabilizing the hunger crisis in developing countries. Genetically modified crops could be engineered to grow in even the aridest of climates. A cost-efficient reliable food source would allow families to spend money on other necessities like water, housing or healthcare. This boost in resources would not only help diminish world hunger, over time it would increase the economy and consumerism as well. The problem of world hunger will only increase. The human population is growing more rapidly than was initially thought. Recently the UN published their latest calculations which project the worldrs population to be 9.3 billion in 2050†400 million more than previously estimated (Herrera). To accommodate for this shift in population, seventy percent more food needs to be produced by 2050. Even the most propitious projections of population growth predict potential mass tragedy if we do not increase our crop yield and production. To prevent famine food production and distribution must change. The increased yield of GM crops offer could prevent the oncoming famine if implemented immediately. With the world already facing a high percentage of people going hungry, action must be taken now to ensure the malnourished population does not increase. Part of the reason the population is increasing is the high mortality rate in the developing world. The average family in the developing worl d has five to six kids but only two or three of them will live to see adulthood. This is because of poor living conditions and a lack of clean water and food. With genetically modified crops early mortality rate would decrease. Having clean food that requires less water would allow more children to live to adulthood and lower the number of children people had. This would help to stabilize the population and decrease food shortage. Genetically modified crops require less water. Although the technology is in early development, it could be very promising in the future. Scientists at the University of Illinois are trying to modify the amount to which a plants stomata opens. The stomata, also known as the pores of a plant are open during photosynthesis to intake carbon dioxide. During this process the plant loses water through the stomata, genetically modifying the amount to which it can open would reduce the plants water consumption. Katarzyna Glowacka, the leading scientist on the experiment was able to develop a tobacco plant that needed twenty-five percent less water. This genetic adjustment has the potential to conserve one of humanityrs most valuable resources. Implementing Glowakackars genetic engineering of the stomata could reduce the amount of water necessary to grow crops. If this technology was used to grow grain, the global water crisis would start to subside. 844 million people worldwide do not have access to clean water. This issue is not just present in developing countries, it has impacted many first world countries as well. Americars own Flint Michigan has been without clean water since 2014 because of industrial runoff into the townrs river. If communities near Flint switched to genetically modified crops, the extra water could have been imported to help the people there through the water shortage. If this was applied globally, excess water could be delivered to places that had a shortage of water. This system would not rely on exporting water from one country to the next, instead it would use local resources and keep communities independent. For people living in privileged countries, GMOs are perceived as a dangerous new form of biotechnology. First world consumers see no immediate benefit from GMOs, whether it be lower prices or increased nutritional value. None of this is necessary for people who already have access to an abundance of nutritional food. The new technologyrs apparent lack of benefit leads consumers to believe it reckless and unsafe. Even though scientists say they are as safe as any other food. As the first world continues to fight the worldwide spread of GM crops, millions of people are dying of starvation. Although they are well-intentioned, critics of GMOs are preventing a technology that could increase the quality of life for people living in the Southern Hemisphere. Genetically modified crops will not always be unnecessary for the first world. Eventually, overpopulation will cause food shortage to become a global problem and those in the first world will be forced to integrate GMOs in their diet. GMOs are already present in many foods and medicines used in America and Europe. Prior to GMOs many products were extremely expensive to make. Before the development of genetic engineering insulin was extracted from the pancreas of cows or pigs and then sterilized for human use. GMO insulin is less expensive to produce and is activated faster in a diabeticrs blood stream. The insulin also has a smaller chance of being rejected since it is similar to the insulin a human pancreas would produce. The modified version of insulin has been widely in use since 1980. Genetic engineering technology could benefit those least advantaged across the world. The hunger and water crises are worsening, and decisive action is required to prevent catastrophe. GMOs could provide a stable source of food for people in the developing world and over time their economy would improve as a result. If genetic engineers were able to provide more nutritional and resilient seeds to citizens of the developing world they would have an increased standard of living. Genetically modified plants require less water which allows water to be used for drinking and bathing. While many people feel uncomfortable with the idea of genetic engineering, it offers a solution to many of the worldrs largest problems. These problems do not seem to be improving without intervention, they become more serious every year. Genetically modified crops have the potential to lower the number of deaths caused by starvation and dehydration. Developing countries would see the greatest benefit from gen etic engineering technology.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflection On My Writing Skills - 987 Words

Reflection My writing skills which I have worked on over the few months I have been in English 102 have changed quite a bit in my opinion. There are many things which I have improved upon that were amongst my weaker writing skills when the year began. On the opposite side of that point, there are also many things which I still need to improve upon if I want to truly elevate my writing to a level that I will be confident in. Finally, I have gained new skills outside of writing from this class, particularly the activities which we did in class at various points throughout the year. These things all cumulate together to give me an appreciation of English courses which I did not previously have. Throughout this semester there are many skills that I have noticed have improved through the constant writing of essays for this class. The one that I find most noticeable is a habit I had long struggled with which was essentially my tendency to be over necessarily wordy when writing my essays. I believe that I was able to somewhat fix this subconsciously, just by knowing that I was no longer in high school, and could no longer get by with just attempting to fill up my word count. I also believe I have greatly improved in my topic selection. In high school I would throw caution to the wind and just pick whatever topic came to mind just in an effort to get it done. I have been much more calculated in college, and I believe that it has helped me write better essays. While these were theShow MoreRelatedPersonal Essay : The Reflection Of My Writing Skills849 Words   |  4 PagesMy writing skills are decent, if I take the time to fully process my thoughts. When it is a timed assignment or test, my skills go right out the window, I concentrate more on answering the prompt rather than the grammar, punctuation, or structure. It’s like a jumbled mess of writing filled with lots of errors. 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Human Resource Management at Woolworths †

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management at Woolworths. Answer: Introduction Human resource management is an important activity for any business organization. This is because, the human resource is the most important resource for a business organization, and hence its effective management is necessary. This assignment highlights a human resource management issue that is faced by one of the most famous business organizations of Australia, Woolworths. The background of the organization is highlighted, along with the HR issues identified. The current HR policies of Australia are highlighted, along with the recommended HR policies. The causes of the issue faced have been shed light upon and the ways to ensure that such incidents could be avoided is also mentioned in this assignment. Background of the organization Woolworths is the largest retail chain of Australia. The first Woolworths store was established in 1924. With time and hard work of the employees, the company has become the largest retail chain in Australia and New Zealand (Welcome to Woolworths, 2017). In the present day, Woolworths employs more than thousands of people in Australia and New Zealand and caters to the needs of millions of customers. The company follows a tall structure with various levels of hierarchy (Welcome to Woolworths, 2017). Since the company is a large one, with thousands of employees, hence the tall structure is effective in ensuring proper functioning of the company. The HR issue identified One of the major human resource management issues that have been faced by Woolworths in the recent times is the allegation of poor pay for the trolley collectors (Maguire, 2017). On 30th May 2016, a news published in The Human Resource Director, Australia, highlighted the fact that allegations against the company has been brought due to the low wages paid to the trolley collectors in the supermarket chain (Maguire, 2017). Following this allegation, the Fair Work Ombudsman had sent out a general warning regarding the discrimination and mentioned that the company is likely to face prosecution for the discrimination in the wages (Maguire, 2017). The enquiry began in 2014 and the Fair Work Ombudsman hoped that the discrimination of the trolley collectors will be mitigated and moral and ethical responsibility will be ensured. Another major retail chain Coles faced a similar issue. However, they rectified their policy and ensured that no discrimination of the trolley collectors will be don e in future. Unlike Coles, Woolworths did not revise their pay scales. They tried to establish the fact that Woolworths pays the right amount of compensation of the trolley collectors. HR policies of Australia The HR policies in Australia ensure that equal pay among the employees are implemented by all the business organizations (Brewster, Mayrhofer Morley, 2016). Moreover, discrimination among the employees based on their age, cast and gender is not accepted in the HR policies in Australia (Stone, 2013). According to the HR policies of Australia, the discrimination of the employees in the wages being paid is violation of the Fair Pay Act ("Fair Work Commission | Australia's national workplace relations tribunal", 2017). Thus, the HR issues that took place in Woolworths resulted in the non-compliance of the HR policies in Australia. Recommended HR practices In order to ensure that the similar HR issues do not occur in Woolworths, the discrimination of the employees on the basis of the wages should not be indulged. Moreover, equality among the employees has to be ensured, such that Woolworths do not enter into controversy due to HR management issues (Sparrow Brewster Chung, 2016). With the warning published against Woolworths by the Ombudsman, the company rejected the warning. They ensured that the trolley collectors were well paid and ensured that they practiced fair work in their organization. The HR has to ensure that employees are satisfied with the policies of the business organization. The equal pay of the trolley collectors will ensure employee satisfaction, thus resulting in employee retention. Conclusion Human resource management is an important activity that has to be taken up by any business organization. it is important that the HRM ensures that no discrimination among the employees should be indulged in the business organization. Discrimination in the wages has to be mitigated, so that Woolworths abide the policies set by the fair work commission. The HR issue that have been faced by Woolworths resulted in loss of the goodwill. Coles faced a similar issue. However, they ensured that they trolley collectors are paid with the right among of wages, abiding by the HR policies of Australia. Thus, Woolworths have to ensure that HR policies are successfully abided by, in order to avoid controversies in future. References Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W., Morley, M. (Eds.). (2016).New challenges for European resource management. Springer. Fair Work Commission | Australia's national workplace relations tribunal. (2017).Fair Work Commission. Available at: [Accessed on 25 Aug 2017] Maguire, J. (2017). Woolworths hits back against exploitation claims.HR Online. Available at: [Accessed on 25 Aug 2017] Sparrow, P., Brewster, C. Chung, C., (2016).Globalizing human resource management. Routledge. Stone, J.R. (2013) Human Resource Management, 8th edn. Wiley, Australia Welcome to Woolworths. (2017). Available at: [Accessed on 25 Aug 2017]

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Some of the Most Popular Essay Topics

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Friday, April 3, 2020

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Monday, March 9, 2020

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Sunday, January 26, 2020

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